Evolution 330- 2022 TENTATIVE Schedule

This is a very tentative schedule.

Homework and activities due dates will be posted as the semester progresses.

Also posted will be the dates of longer quizzes, but expect a possible pop quiz every time we meet. Note that there will be a quiz the last time we meet, April 22. Also note that there will be one longer exam that will take place on March 5.


Week one         

Jan. 14

Introduction: Examine syllabus and schedule. 

Moodle survey will open Wednesday afternoon and close on Friday night at 10.00. Access Moodle (click on large orange/red M) to be able to take survey.

Week two

Jan. 16-22         

Basic evolutionary principles---- Jan. 21  

Lesson guide one: Learn basic definitions. You will need to use this guide to answer homework questions. Do not simply google answers. You need to commit to memory the material on the guide for testing.

Homework one, due Jan 28 by noon.    Download file, answer questions using lesson guide and submit via Moodle. I will give no credit for answers simply googled and not based on materil in guide.

Week three       

Jan. 23-Jan. 29

Lesson guide two: Basic evolutionary principles continued-------- Jan. 28        

New homework on material on monitoring selection/drift. --------- due Feb. 4 by noon.         

Week four

Jan. 30-Feb. 5

Natural selection / genetic drift continued.------ Feb. 4

(zoom session on HW 1)

Week five

Feb. 6-12

Review of homework 2 and 3

Maintenance of Variation 1

Maintenance of Variation 2------Feb. 11

Homework will be due Feb 14. Please complete as much of the study guide as possible before Feb. 11. We will go over some of the more difficult concepts on Feb. 11. The homework is due on Feb. 14 to enable you to refine your answers after the discussion on Feb. 11. You should have attempted to answer all homework questions before class.

Homework on population variation. Please attempt to answer all questions before coming to class.

Week six

Feb. 13-19

Maintenance of variation, HW 3 discussed in detail--------Feb 18

Adaptation: Do not start until you have finished Homework 3

Homework 4: Adaptation due Feb. 25 (4:30)

Week seven

Feb. 20-26

Adaptation---------Feb. 25

Week eight

Feb. 27-Mar. 5


Take home exam ---------March 4

Week nine

Mar. 6-12

March 11, we will not meet, please submit exam via moodle.

Take home exam is due by midnight March 11

Week ten (please note change in schedule)

Mar. 13-19


Week eleven

Mar. 20-26

Extinction study guide----- Mar. 25

Week twelve

Mar. 27-Apr. 2

Extinction quiz: Please complete by April 2, 10 PM

Species ---------April 1

Classification ----Apr. 1

Week thirteen

Apr. 3-9

Species homework quiz, see moodle for details----Apr. 8

Classification homework, due April 11

We will continue our discussion on Classification. Classification will be overed by a one attempt timed quiz that will be April 16, by midnight. See moodle for more details. Link to useful diagram for classification quiz.

We will start a discussion on the Comparative method. This material will be covered by a multiple attempt open quiz that will be due April 18 by midnight. See moodle for more details. Study guide for comparative method quiz.

Week fourteen

April 10-16

Last minute questions on Classification and the Comparative method. Start discussion on sex maintenance and sexual selection------April 15

Sex maintenance guide--------------------------------------------------------Sexual selection guide

Week fifteen

April 17-23

Sexual selection and Units of selection discussed. April 22

There will be a Homework quiz on sexual selectio due on April 23.

There will also be a one-attempt, timed quiz on the maintenance of sexual reproduction due on April 23.

Week sixteen

Finals-------- April 28-May 4

Monday May 2 ------12---2:30 (301) or 3:30--6:00 (302). The final will be due on this day. it will consist of an homework quiz on examples of altruism/kin selection and a one-attempt, timed quiz on units in general.